Sunday, December 19, 2004

Capri Stretch Pants and Ricky Ricardo Laughs

Why do people feel like capri stretch pants are a good idea? Unless you're at the gym and less than morbidly obese, they are not. Am I alone here?

Have you ever heard a man laugh like Ricky Ricardo? Inadvertently, I mean. It's bad enough when it's intentional, I suppose. Are these men aware that they do, in fact, laugh like the Cuban legend Desi Arnaz? I don't think so. I am assuming that if they were aware, they'd try to alter their laugh, or perhaps even just lower the volume a hair. Is it even possible to alter one's spontanteous laughter? Maybe not, but I can manage a smashing Woody Woodpecker laugh when I want to. So if I can laugh like Woody Woodpecker, why can't these jerks laugh like someone other than Ricky? I was waiting for Jill yesterday at Peet's and my cynical reverie about the Stupid Old Parking Man at Barnes was interrupted by the piercing peals of Ricky-esque laughter from some slob paying for his coffee. They echoed throughout the otherwise civil din of the coffee shop. Kirt Vonnegut said in Cat's Cradle that "Maturity is a bitter disappointment for which no remedy exists, unless laughter can be said to remedy anything." But what if it's the laughter I require a remedy from?


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