Good Grief
God help me...egads, even. I'm toast. Any time I feel something so....passionately, it can't be a good thing. For the first time I feel the urge to run like hell. If only I had emotional valium! Wouldn't that be loverly?
"Tired of feeling whatever? No problem! Take an Emotional Valium! Now in convenient time-released transdermal patches! New and improved patch stays on in the shower!"
MmmmMmm good, baby! It'd be like Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind only ever so much less invasive. But no. No valium for me.
The good news is that my house is relatively clean. It's not immaculate, but it doesn't induce stress upon entering. *whew* Hot diggity Goddamn that's good enough for me.
I had my bi-monthly talk with Anne tonight, it was great. My kitten, Rocket, is getting all big and rowdy. Awww, Rocket Pop. She's my little angel kitten. My boys, Troy and Anthony, are behaving as well as ever. They're my little monkey kids. I miss it up there, it's so beautiful. I'm thinking maybe I'll go up around Christmas. Mmmmm snowalicious.....
I've basically narrowed my moving away decision. As much as I adore Portland, I don't think I really want to move there yet. I can always go after I get out of school.... No, the options have been narrowed to SF or Washington. And since Washington, while cheap, beautiful, and Anne-Troy-and-Anthony-full, is maybe a bit too...KKK for me. I may not be anyone's baby, but the KKK is not going to take me away, thank you. And if any of you know that reference, I will be eternally pleased with you.
mood: terrified
music: Dare, Gorillaz
And why the hell has no one told me about Gorillaz?! Cripes, they're fabulous!
I came across your blog and just thought I'd say "hi."
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