Woohoo! Finally the evil dsl elves installed me back online! Smashing! So the move was EXHAUSTING! I was sore for days. But now I'm basically all set up. I need a new kitchen table and a few other smaller things, but all in all I'm done. I absolutely adore the house. It's so everything I wanted. And as if it weren't fabulous enough, I now have my parent's old wedgewood stove that I've been wanting since before Jesus was born. God, I love that stove. It's cool, makes me feel at home. The weather has been fabulous since I got here pretty much, at least a little rain every day. Yay! Today it's seeming to be steady rain...beeyooteefull.
So I finished the kitty hat. It's officially divine. Maybe I'll make a knitting blog, not that any of you psychos'd read it. I'd have to find a new blog reader base. Whatever. So I got this book, did I write about it? It's called Stitch and Bitch and it's oh so cool. It's a knitting book, yes, but they have patterns for stuff that would not be appreciated by the elderly and infirm. Yep, it's got cute little things I would actually wear, hence the oh so adorable kitty hat. For those of you not much into the whole knitting thing, which I believe is all of you, just about every book out there has patterns suitable only for oldsters and unfashionable babies. Yikes! None of that, thank you. I've been knitting for years, but I could never get beyond scarfs and simple stuff like that. I couldn't figure out how to do anything else, really. Give me a break, I'm self taught. Anywho, a girl at my work had the divine knitting book and was knitting a fabulous scarf. I was like "egads!" I immediately commandeered the book (only long enough to see how cool it was and check out the title) and the next day I was off to my new favorite store. It's this amazing little yarn store, A Good Yarn, in Healdsburg. Unnnbelievable. The rest is history. I've just started a sweater made of this incredible hand dyed merino wool. Exquisite.
Okay, enough of all this knitting baloney that you didn't much care about in the first place. *snicker* Assuming of course you cared about any of it in the first place. Teehee.
God, it's lovely to be back online. Off to my online english class.
current music: you don't want to know
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