Cloverdale's invasion of lazy eyed psychos....
Well, to be honest I was going to just title this post "lazy eyed psychos." But as I was sitting here getting ready to type it up I was startled to hear (and feel) a massive boom. Like a big, huge, burly explosion. My first thought was one of fear. It was big, loud, and scary. My second thought was "coooooool....maybe the gas station blew up!" No such luck though. So maybe we're being invaded... I rang the police and they didn't know what it was just yet. Weird, huh? Anywho, here's the real post:
I watched "View from the Top" the other night with Craig, I think I mentioned it. Mike Myers stars as a stewardess trainer guy with a lazy eye. It's funny as hell and kinda sad all at once, but it makes you wonder, why? I mean, I know these things can be fixed. So why would you choose to keep a lazy eye? I don't mean to be hateful, I really don't. A few months ago Gotti and I went to the Belvedere. On our way in we saw an old friend, Charlotte. Charlotte had a lazy eyed friend in tow, and the whole thing was awkward as hell. I mean, which eye do you look at? And cripes, I just felt for her. It was vaguely reminiscent of the Austin Powers movie with the mole guy. Egads, another Mike Myers reference. What can it mean? Ahhh, it's immaterial. Maybe lazy eye people keep 'em out of pride... Some people in the deaf culture are against cochlear implants because they feel that there is nothing wrong with their deafness. I concur. Lazy eyes, however? Hmmm. Who the hell am I to say, though? I think gang members and similar miscreants ought to be sterilized, so maybe I'm not the best judge of anything.
So I'm at Aroma's (eww) with Gotti right now. I'm wearing my Fozzie hat and we've each got one of my headphones, listening to whatever random crap he has in his iTunes library. And it's random. So far we've sang along to Weird Al's Trigger Happy, the Gilligan's Island theme, the Price is Right and the Match Game, and we're currently listening to Liberace playing Chopsticks. I'm still sick and I'm tired of it. I was sitting at First Republic getting my new account and I was trying to have a civilized conversation with the woman helping me, when all of a sudden, mid-word, I start hacking up a lung. God, how mortifying. I swear I haven't got tuberculosis.
ACK! I just walked by the bulletin board and learned it's WOMEN'S WEEKEND! EEEGADS! Fuckety fuck! Of all the crappy timing. Keshau, where are you?! I have plans for you, my dear. You need to hop on your bike, come stay the night up here and then bright and early we're going to the Women's Weekend ride from Guerneville to the ocean. School is overrated, I'm telling you, especially when you could be on a ride to the ocean through gorgeous redwoods with me. *smile* I started this new account with First Republic. It's a fabulous bank, no tellers, no lines, only desks with civilized people waiting to serve you. Uber weird, no? Anywho, the only bad thing about this account is that for the first thirty days all checks deposited are going to be held 'til they clear. This means that I can't pay rent today. Great. So I called and left a message for my landlord telling her the situation. I was all ferklempt, thinking she'd be pissed. She called back and left a message saying thatshe was so sorry my car had been broken into, she hoped everything was okay, and that she'd be happy to wait as long as necessary, not to worry. God! How am I s'posed to feel good about moving away when I have a landlord like her? She's so fabulous, and I love my little house so much! Makes me sad to think of moving away. But then, I have wanted to live in San Francisco since I was a kid. And frankly I'm afraid to get too attached to anything, since K. But sometimes my heart moves before my head does. Kinda leaves my rational intentions behind. Well aren't I just full of Julie-Epiphanies? I had one this morning regarding love, as well. Hmmm...very interesting, all correlated in a way. Kinda leaving you hanging, huh? But this is for me to know and some of you to find out.
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