Saturday, September 17, 2005

too early...

Craig came up and we hung out, downloading music and fooling around on the internet until late. I didn't get to bed 'til 4, and I was looking forward to sleeping in. Fozzie had different plans. God, if he keeps this up he's going to become an inside/outside cat. Grrr.

My friend Trish always says that when she sees our patient, Earl, she thinks of the Dixie Chicks song "Goodbye Earl." Craig downloaded it for me last night and I LOVE it! Normally I'm against country. "Prevent inbreeding, ban country music" has always been one of my mottos. But this song is just cool. It's great.

Okay, so Devorah was exaggerating when she said I was going to wear stockings and heels when we go out tonight. I don't even own any heels at the moment. It isn't that I don't adore them, I do. But good grief, this is Sonoma County. What'll I do, wear 'em to the opera? Oh that's right, we don't have any. How about wine tasting? Hmmm, no, I'm not a nouveau riche wine crazed yuppie. Hmm... Well, since heels are not generally preferable in the healthcare setting, I guess I just don't need any. Yet. What I do need is someplace fabulous to go tonight. I'd love to go to Fab for the drag king show but I think Craig'd get murdered or off himself, I'm unsure which. I think the Black Cat will be empty because of Women's'd suck to drive all that way and find it dead. Egads I hate Sonoma County. I mean even MODESTO had the Brave.... Modesto!


Blogger Tigerlily said...

Honey, you need a sexy pair of heels, even if you have no place to where them. They're great for washing dishes in ;)

12:58 PM  
Blogger la Julie said...

I'm not sure who this Tigerlily is, but I have an idea. And whomever she is, she's right about the shoes. I mean, I have a tiara for vacuuming, why not fabulous heels for dishes?

1:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say, Hello Tigerlily!

6:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This Tigerlily is my type of girl! Let's go shopping! ~Rachel

8:42 AM  

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