Thursday, August 04, 2005

I had a fucked up day. Yep. I walked in to find that Jan the Inept Nurse had totally messed up my pod and put me behind schedule for the rest of the day. 3 out of 4 of my afternoon patients were tremendous pains in the ass. I went out to buy gas only to find that I was in fact overdrawn. I got bitched at by my boss. I'm exhausted, I tortured two of my favorite patients. My friend Spencer lost his job because KSRO couldn't bear having one talented personality within its walls. They are only into ignorant, talentless dolts. Spencer doesn't fit that description. Should I go on?

So it's 8 days until I start my vacation. I am determined to do something, get away from here. Go anywhere, as long as it's far away. I require it for my sanity. The
hard part is that I have no money and likely no one to road trip with. And yet I am determined. Anyone wanna go and help me share the cost? I'll go anywhere.


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