Sunday, October 02, 2005

Quotes of the Weekend...

From Craig:

"It isn't so important that we succeed, it's that others must fail."

"It's like these people are from a different planet!!!"

"We don't need any more friends!"

From Keshau:

"I have a fever and the only prescription I need is more cow bell!"

From Me:

"It's amazing what we find ourselves agreeing to" (well, that's not really from me, but it came outta my mouth tonight, so there....)

From Monkey:

"Julie Land? It's just like Disneyland, only meaner!"

There's more, but it's a little late, I took a Xanax (woohooo! This is sooo what I was saving it for!) and I can't really think of them at the moment. I need to start carrying my little mini-recorder thing 'round with me. I think my blogs would be ever so much more...complete. *sigh*


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