Friday, March 11, 2005

I Love Neurology (sort of)

So today I woke up with an amplified version of the migraine that began yesterday at work. Yup. It was rather on the hellacious side, if you must know. So once again I attempted to reach my contact person at the neurology department, and YAYYYY! After almost 3 weeks we managed to make contact! Smashing! So in I went at 2pm to be treated, expecting some fabulous injection that'd make the rest of my day bearable, and allow me to open my eyes fully and maybe eat, too. This is the way it works, if the injection is cool enough. I went. The nurse wanted to try oxygen therapy first, so I spent maybe 15 minutes in a lovely cool, dark room hooked up to a very high flow of oxygen. It was nice, but didn't help the migraine.
And so I progressed from the nurse to the neurologist. He was lovely, his main specialty is pediatric neurology, but he also treats adults. Aesthetically he reminded me of a hematologist I used to work with, a very nice man, but that's another blog. Anywho, he proceeded to tell me he wanted to treat the pressure points. This means he wanted to numb up the nerves that affect the feeling in most of my head. In order to do this (may I suggest my squeamish friends perhaps ignore this part of the blog?) he inserted a needle within millimeters of the base of said nerves (right around the base of my skull) and injected a long acting form of novacaine. Yep. He numbed up my head, somewhat. And you know what? Having needles put into your head really kinda hurts, especially with the medication which burns like hell and shoots up your head along the nerve pathway. But it was still better than the headache. Although it didn't completely take it away. In fact, in the time it took to shmooze with the doctor and make an appointment with my regular neurologist, the pain was back so badly I was in tears by the time I got to my car. It's so frustrating, you go through a crazy, painful treatment like that and it doesn't help? You feel like the pain, light and noise sensitivity, and nausea will never go away. Luckily the numbing went further into effect and I think the drug sample I was given may have helped a little too. So by the time I got back to Cloverdale I was basically pain free, and it's lasted until now, where it's just barely started to seep back. But maybe I can sleep it off.
*sigh* So that's my day.


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