Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Hey Pals, here's part of a thingy I had to write for my stupid english was sorta entertaining to write so I'm posting it. It's badly written, I know, but deal with it. It was written for a forum between students mainly, and none of them seem capable of recognizing good writing so I just sorta spewed it out. Enjoy!!! *clims up on soapbox*

When we start talking about juvenile executions and what a person had to do to wind up in a situation like that, we are no longer talking about stupid pranks. We are talking about a "child" killing another person in cold blood, and usually there is some extra bit of terrible circumstance added to the mix, for example murdering one's own family, torture, or rape. Not very childish acts, are they? Essentially anyone, adult or child, understands the gravity of taking another life. Everyone understands that it is not okay to torture and murder another person. It seems to me that before killing another person, with the acception of self defense, you'd think hard about what you could be doing to yourself, if not the other person. If someone genuinely does not understand the severity of their crimes then there is something wrong, and that's what the courts are there for.

As for helping kids see the severity of other crimes, I think that raising children with personal responsibility might be a start. Personal responsibility has been lost to lawsuits and various other forms of finger pointing.

I know as much about juvenile executions as years of listening to news radio can provide. I know that if sentenced to death during the trial it will be even more fiercely appealed than an adult's death sentence. I know that when the death penalty is sought, the vicious torturer and murderer of innocent people all of a sudden becomes a "child" with a hopeful future. Obviously I disagree. I agree with the judicial system. I believe that there are things a person can do to that in doing so give up rights. I believe that if one person murders another person, regardless of age, that person is a murderer. If a "child" kills, they cease to be a child, they become a murderer, and a monster in many cases. They have chosen to give up the right to grow up in a bright and cheery future. I believe in consequences, and I believe in second, not third chances for many criminals. I also believe that some crimes, such as child molestation, rape, and murder do not deserve a second chance. Ever. A person can choose to do enough damage and in doing so prove their total lack of worth in a civilized society to be removed forever. I believe it should be so.


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