Friday, March 25, 2005

I'm so stressed out I could cry. I just am, damnit, don't ask why. My landlord called and told me my rent bounced even though my bank is saying it didn't. School is overwhelming when paired with regular overtime at work. I'm exhausted. The dog woke me up in the middle of a deep sleep this morning and I haven't recovered, obviously. I feel like a loser because I'm never home with said dog, he needs to get out for walks and to play the ever important game of ball and I just don't have time right now. I'm fucking burned out at work but once again I'm working on my day off, trying to make more money. This isn't working however because...I don't know, it just isn't. I feel like hell because of the endometriosis, I've been sick all week with it. Next week I'm getting this crazy serious drug, Lupron, to attempt to temporarily help. I'm freaked out about getting it though, it's burly stuff. Nice.


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