Wednesday, December 21, 2005

So I'm sitting here at work waiting for something to happen. I have 30 minutes until my first patient comes off and I'm bored as hell. This is the problem with getting your work done early. *sigh. So now I have nearly three hours to kill and next to nothing to do with them. Blahhhhhhh...

So I'm still trying to determine what to do, where to go, and so on and so on. I dread the thought of moving again and I dread even more the thought of moving out of my little house and away from my family. But hey, time marches on and so must I.

To anyone who has ever considered moving to or visiting Sonoma County...don't. I hate this place. It has become an oppressive, ridiculously pompous, ultimately dull place with little to offer other than a costly advertising program. It is beautiful, yes. But so are many other that are more worth the price and much more user friendly. I HATE "SONOMA COUNTRY!"

Thursday, December 08, 2005

I wish I had something cool to write about....

Especially since I never get to write anymore. Ahh well. School's almost out and I'm trying to decide what to do next. My work has succumbed to a fascist dictator who refuses to work around her employee's school schedules. She runs the unit through the new unit manager who seems as sweet as she can under the circumstances. Little Hitler is not anywhere near as pleasant, sadly. One of her recent moves was to tell the staff we had some say in the new hours. She went so far as to conduct a vote. For once we all managed to agree on something. Little Hitler did not join us, however. In fact, it was admitted to someone deigned sophisticated enough to understand that there was never any intention of bowing to our vote, it was just a ploy to make us feel responsible somehow. Wow. Now that's quality right there, buddy. And so considering this and the lack of support for education I'm seeing every sign pointing me elsewhere, as I've said in previous posts. Now it's just a question of where. And how, come to think of it. I think I've pinpointed a location, now I just need to figure out when I'm going. I'm currently playing phone tag with a travel recruiter, that could be cool for a while. I've pretty well determined that I have no choice but to take next semester off. It's lame, but I think I'm going to 97 by the time I get my AS. *sigh*