Sunday, January 22, 2006

Post no. 300

It's time to bid a possibly temporary goodbye to this blog, I think. I've received more than a thousand hits on it since I put up a counter less than a year ago and that's pretty smashing, thank you very much. It's sad to think of leaving it all behind, but that's what this year is going to be about for me, jumping head-on into fears and leaving comfort and familiarity a point, anyway.

And so, thank you for your kind into the blogosphere I go.......

Thursday, January 19, 2006

from a forward (I don't even usually read these!)...thanks Rille the Pill

When I was little, I used to believe
in the concept of one best friend,
and then I started to become a woman.
And then I found out that if you allow your heart
to open up, God would show you the best in many friends.

One friend is needed when you're
going through things with your family.

Another when you want to shop,
share, heal, hurt, joke, or just be.

One friend will say let's pray together, another
let's cry together, another let's laugh together,
another let's walk away together.

One friend will meet your spiritual
need, another your shoe fetish, another
your love for movies, another will be with
you in your season of confusion, another will be
your clarifier, another the wind beneath your wings.

But whatever their assignment in your life,
on whatever the occasion, on whatever the day,
or wherever you need them to meet you with their gym
shoes on and hair pulled back, or to hold you back from
making a complete fool of yourself ... those are your friends.

It may all be wrapped up in one woman,
but for many it's wrapped up in several...
one from 7th grade, one from high school, several
from the college years, a couple from old jobs,
some from church, on some days your mother,
on some days your neighbor, on others your sisters,

and on some days your daughters.