uckfay verythingeay
Fuck it. Fuck work. fuck the dog giving me guilt trips, fuck everything that gives me guilt trips. Fuck my constantly overdrawn checking account. Fuck the overdraft fees and the check advance places that eat up my paychecks further preventing me from ever getting ahead or even caught up. Fuck people saying they'll call or show up when they don't have any intention to begin with. Fuck bullshit excuses. Fuck alleged friends who I've known for almost 7 years that have never made the trip to my home. Fuck ex's. Fuck lies. Fuck impulse spending. Fuck needing things you can't afford. Fuck dying CV joints on my car, whatever they are. Fuck worry. Fuck running out of yarn within a few inches of finishing my very first sweater and finding that the yarn store is out, too. Fuck obnoxious coworkers. Fuck incompetence. Fuck malevolent manipulation. Fuck psych patients that make their caregivers play by their fucked up rules out of fear for their safety. Fuck the new supervisor that has a problem with "all those young techs." Fuck my financial inability to go on vacation this summer. Fuck loneliness. Fuck wanting someone when I don't need anyone. Fuck stress. Fuck my inner critic. Fuck sadness. Fuck pain. Fuck wanting to go home and not being able to. Fuck being fat. Fuck feeling helpless. Fuck knowing you're not helpless and beating yourself up because of self responsibility. Fuck not moving to Missouri. Fuck never seeing people you love again. Fuck death (sometimes). Fuck loss. Fuck lack of freedom. Fuck lack of love, attention, touch. Fuck.