I have a life coach and one of the many good things about her is that she is always asking for feedback. Wouldn't it be nice if you could fill out a feedback questionaire in other areas? I mean I know that technically you could, but it'd be nice if it was in a pre-printed, stress free format. "On a scale of one to ten, ten being the best, how happy were you with my discussion of the other women in my life?" Okay, 1. "On a scale of one to ten, how happy are you with the level of respect I exhibit for you as a human being?" Ummm, 2? And there could be work ones, too... "On a scale of one to ten, how much respect and confidence in my abilities do you have for me, the AM Charge Nurse?" Hmm, -18?
So today is tuesday, I have no money, I can't buy bread and milk, I have nothing to bring for dinner and lunch all week, and my half tank o' gas has to last me 'til friday. The interesting thing is that I'm really starting to see some progress with finances as a whole. I'm just broke now 'cause my last check went to rent and a couple bills. And I've basically made peace with the fact that I'm in my mid-twenties, I'm supposed to be where I am, broke and struggling. The only issue I've had with all of this was recently when I was at Aroma's with Gotti of course. We were sitting near the entrance and whom did I lay eyes on but my old friend Bridget from grade school. I love her, I really do. She's a beautiful person, and while I was really happy to see her, it kinda made me feel like a loser because she has a degree and a functional life and she told me all about all our old friends who have the same. We were then joined by Emy, another old friend, who was just as perfect as the rest. Fabulous. Of course they're beautiful and kind and good, and I was left feeling like a fuck up, no degree, no functional love life, broke, and with a big zit, too! UGH. It was depressing. I felt kinda ferklempt about the whole thing for a few days until Craig assured me that their smiles were pasted on and that the functional exterior only went so far. Everyone has their issues, he consoled, and they're all living some sort of a lie. *whew* I love Craig.
Speaking of which, we came up with another couple lines at work last night. First, "If you're about to be the bigger person, DON'T DO IT!" And second, along the same lines, "If you can't say anything nasty to an ex, don't say anything at all!"
Last weekend I met a fabulous new friend, Anthony. He's ohhh so funny. And as the maternal lesbian that I am, he's my new gay son. He's barely 20, the little monkey. Anyway, Sunday night we were sitting at Aroma's (once again) and there was yet another straight couple doing the goats eating pancakes act. It was fucking nauseating, actually. My first reaction was that it didn't matter whether they were gay or straight, but Anthony pointed out that if it were a gay couple they would have been bashed in one way or another. And he was right. So that made the pancake consuming even worse. So my little son had the most BRILLIANT idea. We wrote a petition asking them to cease and desist the heavy petting in public, and passed it around. We got several signatures, and just as I was about to pass it to them they left. Damn! Can you imagine making out in public and having someone give you a petition signed by innocent onlookers? God, it would be mortifying! Faaabulous! Anyway, we decided that it wasn't a total loss, now we're going to pre-print some and have them on hand for just such occasions. *teehee!*
Thank you, wish me a better day than I had yesterday.