Well, here I am again, pausing for a moment in the whirlwind of activity that is my life. It sounds rather exciting, put like that, doesn't it? It sounds like the amazing transformations occurring on Extreme Makeover: Home Edition (I adore that show more than you know). Thousands of excited, altruistic people bustling about creating a better tomorrow for the waifs, freaks and sad-sacks of the week. And I mean that in the very nicest possible way. Or maybe it sounds more along the lines of reruns of This Old House, where some absolutely exquisite Victorian is being refurbished to the glory she truly deserves. Where are all these home improvement references coming from? The world may never know. Wherever they're from, the whirlwind of activity in my life is not going to wind me up in an exquisitely cool new (or old) home. Nope. So then where, you ask, is my whirlwind going to place me? Well, how 'bout you meet me here in a month because guess what?! I'm not going anywhere! That's right pals, my whirlwind is going to carry me up to the very edge of a nervous breakdown and back again. Essentially, it's taking me nowhere.
Perhaps it's time to elaborate a touch. I basically have two full time jobs, work and school. Unfortunately it isn't quite that simple though because I work more than full time at work, so really it's like a job and a half. And then there's school. School where I'm just reaching the point of giving up hope of continuing my 4.0 this semester.
Now you may be wondering why on earth I work so much in addition to a full load of somewhat heavy (or at least labor intensive) classes (trigonometry, abnormal psychology, American Sign Language, and english). Good question, you're very astute. I work so much because I'm in a financial hole, and recently my car has decided to start falling apart at the seams. The really fascinating bit of it all is that regardless of how much I work, how exhausted, stressed out, and sick I make myself, these two financial constraints never improve. Niiiice.
As for school, if I don't make the grades I want to, then this semester of toil and misery is for nothing as well. And it's looking like it's leaning in that general direction.
So to recap, I'm killing my mental and physical well-being through:
a.) Work-that's getting me nowhere
b.) School-that's getting me nowhere
In other, much less bitter news....
-My friend Stacy Without an E was telling me tonight that he's itchy. He said some people are smelly, some people are dirty, he is itchy. So naturally I asked what I am. He says "you're Joolie." Sweet. What a damn good answer!
-Jorge told me I should be happy because someone loves me. It isn't true, but I said "no one loves me!" He's like "that isn't true, I love you." *sigh*
-My little gas station pal formally introduced himself to me tonight. His name is Carlos, and he has a nifty piercing or two. I love that name, I always have. I think if I ever have a son I may name him that, Carlos Vincent or something like that.
*Tonight we got the call we've been waiting for. Mae's husband Bob called and let us know that she had passed away half an hour before. Safe travels, Mae, we'll miss you.